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wordpress web hosting
Feb 13, 2013

Tips for Starting a WordPress Blog using WordPress Web Hosting

Utilising WordPress Web Hosting is the best way to start a WordPress Blog because creating a WordPress blog can prove to be a major accomplishment for your business, since it is the simplest and most affordable way of getting a site online. It offers you two major benefits: a record of your blog posts on search engines, such as Google and Bing, and access to an in-house social network of bloggers. A blog needs much more than a few occasional posts to be successful. You need to keep a few vital principals in mind in order to run an unbeaten, business-oriented WordPress Blog, and you need to have it hosted by a professional web hosting company.

1. Your Blog Should Have a Clear Focus
Generally, there are two types of blogs: professional and personal. A personal blog is often treated as an online journal by the bloggers, since it is a perfect place for them to record interesting events that happen every day. For that reason, it doesn’t have a particular direction. A professional blog, on the other hand, must have a very clear focus. For example, it is essential for a business-oriented blog to make the offered products/services the centre point. It is not advisable to merely pitch what you are selling. In fact, you should post around those products/services by writing about issues that hint at them. For instance, if you have an antique bookstore, you can attract customers by writing interesting posts related to old book-making procedures. Writing brief reviews on novels or books sitting in your present stock can not only help increasing sales, but also diversify your reader base.

2. Invest in a Suitable Domain Name and WordPress Web Hosting
While it might seem like a necessary step, setting up your own domain name for a WordPress blog is normally overlooked by new bloggers. Having a free domain is not recommended if you want your blog to be successful. Not only does it appear unprofessional to visitors, but also indicates that you are not serious about your blog and are not willing to invest in it. Domain names are available at a very reasonable price now. It is worth lifting your blog’s image and investing in a suitable domain name.

3. Select a WordPress Theme that Matches Your Niche
There are literally thousands of WordPress themes out there to select from. You can always opt for the free ones as per your requirements, but investing in premium themes is highly recommended as it has long-term benefits. Each theme is designed for a specific niche, such as directory, sports, portfolio, magazine, news, photo blogging, etc. Half the work is already done. All you need to do is apply your own style and imagination to it.

4. Post Actively and Engage Your Audience
Generally, the readership of your blog gradually increases with every post. If you post every day, you should see a substantial boost in the number of readers. Fortunately, WordPress offers you multiple tools to follow your readership. In addition to posting interesting articles, you are required to engage with other bloggers in order to build up a constant audience. Look for other bloggers with interests related to your services/products and try to keep in touch with them.

Using WordPress Web Hosting, you can easily build a successful WordPress blog by following the above mentioned guidelines. Ask us here at Swish Connect how you can get started today.

Administrator of the Swish Connect website - Australia's leading web hosting provider.

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