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meta descriptions
Mar 12, 2013

The Importance of Meta Descriptions for SEO

When it comes to SEO, meta descriptions have a bigger impact on your website that you may think.

Although, they don’t effect rankings directly, they are important when it comes to marketing.

Meta descriptions are the first snippet of information that an internet searcher may see when a user does a search on search engines such as Google, Yahoo and Bing. Therefore, they give you a competitive advantage when you are contending with millions of other businesses for attention. They effectively serve as an ad for your business, and they are there to ‘sell the click’ – to get them to click on your link instead of others.

Meta descriptions mainly serve to notify your potential customers, in a brief yet convincing manner, the products your business is offering.

You should make the description on every page of your website to be unique. It may have a maximum length of 160 characters; however, if the description exceeds these characters, it will be cut off, as well as replaced with a “…”. Hence, it is essential to obtain the most vital information at the start of the description; otherwise it may not be useful for SEO purposes.

Moreover, your keywords must be in your Meta descriptions as even though the description has no impact on your status, Google will accept your keywords as well as bold them, rising visibility and the rate of click through to your website.

Meta descriptions are important to attracting significant traffic to your website. The title tag that accompanies the descriptions, may not always successfully express what your business does, since its main function is not the same as that of the Meta description. The title tag should comprise keywords intended for that page, within only 65 characters. This implies that there is limited space for any kind of business description. Hence, the Meta description is very important. The intention of a searcher may at times be ambiguous, or different searchers may have different motivations, hence, it is up to the Meta description to enlighten them of the business, and as a result reduces the bound rate of the website.

While not a solid principle, it will always aid if you are frank about your business when advertising it, since this will help you gain the trust of your customers. Moreover, it will support positive brand recognition. You should look for creative ways to communicate to your clients about your business and always incorporate a call-to-action term at the end of your description to persuade individuals to click on it.

Swish Connect provides Web Hosting in Australia with a range of plans including Business Web Hosting, cPanel Reseller Hosting, and VPS plans.

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